11 Program Functions

12.4 Block Manager

The block manager manages model blocks across projects: Selected objects can be saved as blocks and reused in other structures. A multitude of typified elements is predefined in the block manager's Catalog.

To open the block manager, select File → Block Manager in the menu or use the toolbar button shown on the left.

Image 12.35 Block Manager button in the toolbar

When you open the block manager, a multi-part window appears. Like the project manager (see Chapter 12.1), it has its own menu and toolbar.

Image 12.36 Block manager

On the left, a navigator is displayed with the Catalog of all block categories. The current category is marked in bold. To select a different category, double-click it or use the Current Category list in the toolbar. The table to the right of the navigator lists the objects filed in the selected category. Several blocks for various member, surface, and solid models are available.

Table of blocks

The blocks of the selected category are listed one by one. The Block Name, the Description, and important object and file information are respectively shown.

To adjust the displayed columns, select View → Manage Register Columns in the menu or use the corresponding toolbar button (see Chapter


This window section shows detailed information about the selected block.


The selected block is displayed in a preview. The size of the preview window can be adjusted by moving the upper edge of the window.


The bottom area of the block manager provides a graphical overview of the blocks contained in the selected category. The thumbnail images are interactive with the table above.

Use the pins to minimize specific window parts. They are then docked as tabs in the footer.