11 Program Functions

9.9.3 Filter Functions

Filter Functions

The grouping options described in Chapter 9.9.1 refer to the objects of the model. Additionally, you can use internal forces, deformations, and stresses as filter criteria.

Filtering results

Results are filtered by means of the control panel. If it is not displayed, use the menu option

    • View → Control Panel

or the corresponding button in the Results toolbar.

The control panel is described in Chapter 3.4.6.

The filter settings for results are defined in the Color Scale tab that is shown for the isoband and isoline results of surfaces and solids (see Figure 3.16). As this tab is not available for the two-colored display of member internal forces, you have to switch to the With/Without Diagram or Cross-Sections display options in the Display navigator (see figure on the left).

In the panel, you can configure, for example, that member moments are only displayed if they exceed a certain value or that base internal forces of surfaces are only displayed within the range of ± 30 kNm using a fine gradation (see Figure 3.18).

The following example represents a floor slab. RFEM only displays contact stresses between −120 kN/m2 and −260 kN/m2 on the model.

Image 9.50 Filtering contact stresses with adjusted color scale

As the model also provides multi-colored member results, the Surfaces selection field is set active in the control panel. The color scale is modified in such a way that one color range covers exactly −20 kN/m2. No results for surface elements with elastic foundations whose contact stresses are beyond the defined range of values are shown.

Filtering objects

In the Filter tab of the control panel, you can enter the numbers of selected members, surfaces, or solids to display their result diagrams in a filtered display. This function is described in Chapter 3.4.6.

In contrast to the visibility function, the model is displayed completely in the graphic.

The following figure shows the bending moments available in the floor surfaces of a building. The walls are shown in the model but are displayed without internal forces.

Image 9.51 Filtering surfaces: Bending moments of floors


The filter settings of the panel also affect the objects in the results tables: When you restrict the results display in the panel to two members, for example, Table 4.6 Members - Internal Forces only lists the results of those two members.

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