11 Program Functions

11.4.18 Changing the Numbering

Changing the Numbering

A regular, structured numbering proves to be useful both for the modeling and evaluation. However, graphical input and subsequent modifications may rearrange the numbering.

There are three options for adjusting the sequence of the numbering retroactively. To access the corresponding functions, select the menu entry

    • Tools → Renumber.

Loads are no problem when changing the numbering because the assigned loading is automatically transferred to the new numbers of the objects.

Image 11.106 Renumber - Singly dialog box

In the Object to Renumber dialog section, you can specify whether nodes, lines, members, or other model objects selected from the list are renumbered. Specify the start number of the new numbering and the increment in the Renumbering dialog section.

After closing the dialog box with the [Close] button, you can click the relevant objects one by one in the work window. Please note that RFEM can only allocate free numbers that are not yet assigned.


First, select the nodes, lines, members, surfaces, or solids (see Chapter 11.2.1) whose numbering you want to adjust. Then, open the following dialog box.

Image 11.107 Renumber - Automatically dialog box

Specify the Priority of the global directions X, Y, and Z for the new numbering in the dialog box. In addition, you have to decide if the ascending numbering is applied in Direction of the respective positive or negative axis.

In the example above, the nodes (as well as lines and members) with the smallest X-coordinates receive new numbers first. The nodes are renumbered in the positive direction X. If two nodes have identical X-coordinates, the second priority decides, which node receives the lower number: This is the node with the smaller Y-coordinate. Should the Y-coordinates also be identical, the third priority is decisive.

The Objects to Renumber dialog section controls, which nodes, lines, members, surfaces, or solids are renumbered and which start numbers and increments are used for the renumbering. Numbers that are already allocated may not be assigned again. However, RFEM allows the use of allocated numbers if they become available due to the renumbering.


First, select the objects whose numbering you want to adjust. Then, open the following dialog box by selecting Tools → Renumber in the menu.

Image 11.108 Renumber - Shift dialog box

In the Selected Objects dialog section, define the objects that you want to renumber: In addition to nodes, lines, and members, you can select other objects of the model in a list (see figure on the left). In the Increment column, you can specify, by which value the numbers of the selected objects are to be increased. Use negative increments to reduce the numbering. Make sure that no resulting numbers are smaller than 1.

In the Load Cases and Combinations dialog section, you can adjust the numbering of load cases, load and result combinations. Specify the numbers of the load cases and combinations as a list in the No. from and No. to columns. The Increment column controls, by which value the numbers of the load objects are respectively increased.

After clicking [OK], the numbers are shifted. Note that only free, unassigned numbers can be allocated to the various model and load objects.

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