11 Program Functions

11.6.2 Parameter List

Parameter List

The parameter list manages all parameters required for modeling.

Accessing the parameter list

To access the parameter list, click the [Edit Parameters] button:

  • in the toolbar of an input table
Image 11.128 Edit Parameters button in the table toolbar
  • in the Formula Editor
Image 11.129 Edit Parameters button in the Formula Editor

The Edit Parameters dialog box appears.

Image 11.130 Edit Parameters dialog box

Each table row manages a Parameter. In column A, enter a name that must consist of ASCII signs and contain no spaces. The name is used to refer to the parameter in the formulas. Each parameter name can only be assigned once.

In table column B, define the Unit Type to determine if the parameter represents a length, load, density, etc. The unit types are predefined. To access the selection list available in this column, use the shortcut button or [F7].

In column C, specify the numerical Value of the parameter.

Specify the Unit in table column D. To access the selection list of available units in this column, use the shortcut button or [F7].

In column E, you can enter a Formula to determine the value of the parameter for table column C. In addition to common mathematical operations, If statements and Max-/Min- functions are available. With the $-reference, you can refer to a specific table (for example, $1.1(A1) uses the value of cell A1 from table 1.1).

Table 11.11


If parameter A is smaller than parameter B, the value 10 is applied. Otherwise, parameter B is used.


The larger value among parameters A and B is used.


The larger value of parameters A and B is determined, which is then compared to the value of parameter C. The smallest value is finally applied.

Use the button in table column E to access a List of operators and functions.

Image 11.131 List of operators and functions dialog box

In table column F, you can define a Range of Values to control the values of column C.

Column G is reserved for entering any Comment.

Input functions

The parameters can be entered cell by cell.

For efficient input, several tools are available, which you can access by right-clicking a cell. The editing functions (empty or insert row, replace, etc.) are described in Chapter 11.5.1.

When several cells are marked as a selection, the following shortcut menu appears.

Image 11.132 Shortcut menu of a selection in the parameter list

You can find a description of the menu functions in Chapter 11.5.1 and 11.5.2.


In addition to the default buttons, the following functions are available in the parameter list.

Table 11.12 Buttons in the Edit Parameters dialog box
Button Description

Saves the parameter list in a file.

Loads a saved parameter list.

Exports the parameter list to MS Excel.

Imports the data from the opened Excel table.

Opens the calculator and imports its result.

Deletes the entire content of the parameter list.

Shows the cross-section details of the cross-sections used in the model.

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