
Limited Distribution Width of Tension Reinforcement in Flange Plate of T-Beam Cross-Sections

The German Annex to EN 1992‑1‑1, the National Addition NCI to Article (2), recommends to dispose the tension reinforcement in the flange plate of T‑beam cross‑sections on a maximum of one width corresponding to the half of a computed effective flange width beff,i according to Expression (5,7a).

The background of this recommendation was formed by tests by Eibl and Kühn [1], which proved that more extensive reinforcement exposure has an unfavorable effect on crack distribution and uniform reinforcement loading. It was also the reason that this regulation was included in DIN 1045:1975.

In RF-CONCRETE Members, a control allows you to define the distribution width of the tension reinforcement in the flange plate.


Mr. Meierhofer is the development leader of programs for concrete structures and is available for the customer support team in case of questions related to reinforced and prestressed concrete design.

  1. Eibl, J.; Kühn, H. E.: Versuche an Stahlbetonplattenbalken mit gezogener Platte, Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 74, Seiten 176 - 181, und Beton- und Stahlbetonbau 75, Seiten 204 - 209. Berlin: Ernst & Sohn, 1979
