
Calculation of Shear Stresses for Openings

In cross‑sections created in SHAPE‑THIN, the openings, such as bolt holes, can be modeled by using the elements with zero thickness. The program provides two options for calculating shear stresses in the area of such null elements.

Direct Calculation Without Redistribution

When calculating the shear stresses, each null element is fully considered with its effective thickness t*. Thus, stresses on the null elements are displayed, which facilitate the design of a weld, for example.

Redistribution to Adjacent Elements

Shear forces are only applied to elements with thicknesses greater than zero. The null elements have no effect on the calculation of shear stresses. The shear forces act on the reduced cross-section.

In this approach, the program proceeds as follows:

  1. In the normal elements, the shear stresses from transversal forces and torsional moments are calculated separately.
  2. The shear stresses from the transverse forces are integrated to shear forces.
  3. The shear forces in the normal elements are transformed in the direction of the axes y and z and added as sum Vy and sum Vz.
  4. The correction factors are determined: ky = Vy / (Σ Vy) and kz = Vz / (Σ Vz)
  5. The entered transversal forces Vy und Vz are multiplied by the correction factors.
  6. The shear stresses due to the adjusted transverse forces are recalculated.

Since the null elements are no longer effective, this method leads to higher shear stresses than in the case of the direct calculation without redistribution.


Mr. Vogl creates and maintains the technical documentation.

