
Discontinuous RWIND Results

My results in RWIND have changed or seem implausible. Why?


To generate a finite volume mesh for a CFD analysis, the model has to be topologically correct. In RWIND 3, model limits are defined by triangles. Topologically correct means that these triangles must form a closed triangle mesh – each mesh edge has exactly two adjacent triangles, and the triangles may not intersect or touch each other, except for the common edges and vortices.

If there are discontinuities in the results, this may be caused by the orientation of triangles that have a front and a back. You can check it easily in the mesh inspector:

To correct the orientation of the triangles, you can try to deactivate the "Align normals for surface results" option (1). Furthermore, you can "Repair" the model (2):


Mr. Hoffmann provides technical support to Dlubal Software customers and is responsible for the coordination of all technical inquiries and activities.
