
Warning 465: "Line [No.] is simultaneously used as a boundary line of a surface and an opening."

I get Warning No. 465: "Line [No.] is simultaneously used as a boundary line of a surface and an opening". Do I have to adjust anything?


Openings are used to create cutouts in surfaces. Finite elements are not generated and surface loads are not applied to the openings. Openings on the edge of a surface are allowed as well.

The boundary lines of a surface must form a closed continuous line. In our example, the warning message only appears for Surface 1, but not for Surface 2. Surface 1 is defined by three boundary lines on one edge, but Surface 2 is not.

A comparison of the results shows that you can model your surfaces with openings in all three cases.


Mr. Hoffmann provides technical support to Dlubal Software customers and is responsible for the coordination of all technical inquiries and activities.

