The displayed support forces are the characteristic values, including the reduced dynamic factors, and can thus be used directly for a further calculation.
There are three ways to sort the display in result window 2.3.
- The first option (Image 01) shows All determined support forces of the load combinations. In addition, Load Case 2 Wind Load is displayed so that the support forces can be calculated for the individual components (crane, permanent load, and wind).
- The Only max/min option (Image 02) shows only the extreme values of the support forces for the corresponding directions; that is, the characteristic support forces are multiplied by the corresponding vibration coefficient for supports.
- The Only max/min advanced display option (Image 03) shows the extreme values of the horizontal support forces (with the components from a crane and a wind load) and the vertical support forces (with the components from a crane and a permanent load).
The partial safety factors and combination factors used for the respective design situation can be easily displayed in Window 1.5 Load Combinations (see Image 04). Thus, it becomes clear very quickly whether the calculated results are the characteristic values or the design values.