
FAQ 004301 | Is the Gust-effect (G or G-f) from the ASCE 7-16 Sect. 26.11 considered in RWIND Sim...

Is the Gust-effect (G or G-f) from the ASCE 7-16 Sect. 26.11 considered in RWIND Simulation?

Yes, the Gust-factor G or G-f, can be adjusted in RWIND Simulation. This value can be changed within the "Wind load" tab under "Wind velocity." 

In the ASCE 7-16, the conservative value for the Gust-factor, G, is 0.85 for rigid buildings. The engineer can calculate an alternative and more accurate value. The Gust-effect, G-f, for flexible buildings accounts for size and gust size similar to rigid buildings, but also considers dynamic amplification including wind speed, natural frequency, and damping ratio.
