
How can I consider a column/support settlement in the model?

How can I consider a column/support settlement in the model?

An imposed deformation can occur on a nodal support and a line support. For surfaces, this is not yet possible. Thus, you can consider the settlements of an independent foundation or a strip foundation, for example. The entries differ as follows:

Imposed Nodal Deformation
The imposed nodal deformation has to be assigned to a node supported in the direction of the deformation. 
The imposed displacement can be considered for the nodal support axis system in the direction uX' / uY' / uZ' as well as for the imposed rotation φX' / φY'/ φZ' (see Image 01).

Imposed Line Displacements
In the case of imposed line displacements, it is also necessary to keep the supports in the direction of the displacement. The imposed line displacement is related to the line support axis system in the direction uX'/ uY' / uZ' as well as for the imposed rotation φX' (see Image 02).
