
Additional foundation loads

Additional loads can be applied to the foundation plate. Each of these loads must be assigned to a load case.

In the Data navigator, you can define a new additional foundation load in the Loads category. Select the corresponding load case. Then, double-click the Additional Foundation Loads entry.

As an alternative, you can create an additional foundation load in the Loads table or use the list button in the toolbar.

The Additional Foundation Load dialog box opens.

  1. Load number : This field shows the number of the additional foundation load.
  2. Load Case : In this dialog box, select the load case to which you want to assign the additional foundation load. You can select the corresponding load case from the list of defined load cases.
  3. Assigned to Foundations No. : This field shows the number of the foundation that the additional foundation load was assigned to.
  4. Category : In this section, you can specify the 'Load Type' (area load, line load, concentrated load, earth covering, and ground water). The individual load types are described in the following subchapters.
  5. Parameters : Depending on the load type, you can adjust the foundation load parameters such as for example, define the load magnitude and the ordinates.