
Design Ratios on Nodes

The result tables of the Design Ratios on Nodes category contain the result data of the performed foundation designs.

Die Nachweise der Knoten sind in den Registern nach folgenden Kriterien sortiert:

  • Design Situations
  • Loads
  • Node

Node No.

For each design criterion, the number of the node with the greatest design ratio is shown.

Node Point Coordinates

The coordinates X, Y, and Z of the nodes are shown in three columns.

Design Situation

Diese Spalte benennt die Nummern der Bemessungssituationen, für die die einzelnen Ausnutzungen vorliegen.


This column shows the numbers of the load or result combinations that are governing for the respective design checks.

Design Check Ratio

In dieser Spalte sind die Nachweisbedingungen gemäß Norm angegeben. The utilization degree is expressed by the length of the colored bar.

Design Check Type

Each design is identified by an identifier with a number. All ultimate limit state design checks have the "UL" identifier. In the Description column, the type of the design is explained.

Design Check Formula

Diese Spalte können Sie im Ergebnistabellen-Manager aktivieren. It shows the equations of the standard according to which the design checks are carried out.


Each design is explained by a short description with reference to the section in the standard.


Die 'Nachweisdetails' für eine bestimmte Ausnutzung können Sie über die Schaltfläche Design Details or by double-clicking the row.

Filtering Results by Ratio

The list on the right in the table toolbar allows you to filter the tables by the utilization degree. The Max option shows only the governing design for each object.

You can also define your own filter options in the format "> #.##" in this list. Thus, only the ratios greater than the user-defined value are displayed in the table.