
Design checks

In the Design Checks navigator category, you can control which design checks are displayed graphically with the respective ratios on the designed objects. This category contains further subcategories for the specific types of check:

  • Geotechnical Design : The specific design types for the ultimate limit state and the serviceability limit state are available for selection.
  • Design check for concrete : The reinforced concrete design checks are divided into design checks for the ultimate limit state and design checks for detailing.

Result Display

The results of the geotechnical designs are displayed graphically with isobands:

UL2400 | Punching Shear Resistance

For the graphical display of the punching shear resistance, it is possible to visualize both the solid of compressive stress and the basic control perimeter. In addition, the acting shear force is displayed.

UL2100 | Flexural rupture of the plate

The results are sorted by direction (x and y) and positions (top or bottom of the foundation plate). For each position, you can specify the design moment Mx,d and the static longitudinal reinforcement area as,stat individually Bemessungsstreifen in the menu.

as,stat,4,x,(bottom) Statical area of longitudinal reinforcement in fourth design strip, in x-direction, at bottom of foundation slab
as,stat,3,x,(bottom) Statical area of longitudinal reinforcement in third design strip, in x-direction, at bottom of foundation slab
as,stat,2,x,(bottom) Statical longitudinal reinforcement area in the second design strip, in x-direction, at the bottom of the foundation slab
as,stat,1,x,(bottom) Statical longitudinal reinforcement area in the first design strip, in x-direction, at the bottom of the foundation slab
Mx,(bottom),d Design moment in x-direction for bottom reinforcement
σz Compressive stress beneath center of foundation plate

Furthermore, the distribution of compressive stress in the soil joint with the values at the corner nodes and below the center of the foundation plate is graphically displayed.

Display Model

The Display Type category in the lower navigator area allows you to display the results as isobands or isolines. You can also switch off the graphical display completely.