
IFC Interface in RFEM 6 / RSTAB 9

Dlubal software has many different interfaces. One of them is the IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) interface. This is divided into several areas, called "Views". Furthermore, there are various versions of the IFC format. Take a closer look here. Version 4.0 is supported for both import and export. However, the older version 2x3 is only supported for import. Regardless of in which direction you exchange the data, you can process the StructuralAnalysisView as well as the ReferenceView (Coordination View).

When importing the ReferenceView, the individual IFC objects can be converted into RFEM-native elements. You can also use the conversion tables to adapt the cross-section and material descriptions. The export in the ReferenceView allows you to display the structure in IFC viewers and CAD programs. On the other hand, StructuralAnalysisView allows you to transfer the structural model including loading. As you can see, there are numerous options available to you.

Online Documentation for IFC BuildingSMART website
