
Determining Variable Cross-Section Depth of Tapered Member Using "Connect Lines or Members"

In RFEM, if you want to insert a tapered member with intermediate nodes into an existing model, the issue often arises how to determine the individual cross-section depths of the tapered members quickly. The "Connect Lines or Members" command comes in handy for this purpose.

As an example, a tapered member is defined from Point A to Point B. Cross‑sections 1 and 2 define the member start and end, respectively. The member start is in Point A at Node 1. The member end is in Point B at Node 2. Nodes 3 through 7 lie on the previously defined tapered member, but are not connected to it. A transverse beam, for example, is to be connected to these nodes.

If the "Connect Lines or Members" function is used (draw the selection window across the mentioned structural part), the tapered member is divided at nodes 3 through 7. The program determines the correct section depth automatically, so you do not need to specify it beforehand. If you added different member eccentricities to the member start and member end of the tapered member, this is also correctly interpolated at the intermediate nodes.

In RSTAB, this function can be found under "Connect Members".


Mr. Kieloch provides technical support to our customers and is responsible for development in the area of reinforced concrete structures.

