You can model double members in RFEM 6 by following these steps:
Line Release:
- Create or select a member.
- Apply a line release to the member.
- Select the first two nodes as the definition nodes.
- Add the second member to the generated line created automatically by the line release.
How to add Member Hinges:
- Create or select a member.
- Apply a line release to the member.
- Select the first two nodes as the definition nodes.
- Add the second member to the generated line created automatically by the line release.
- Add member hinges to both members.
How to add Nodal Releases:
- Create or select a member.
- Create two nodal releases on each side.
- Create two more nodal releases for the nodes generated by the first nodal release.
- Create a line release, assigning the definition nodes from the nodes generated by the second nodal release.
- Add the second member to the generated line created automatically by the line release.