This design has been implemented in RF‑LAMINATE as of version 5.25. The design in the net cross-section is only performed if the layer design has been activated in the details (Image 01). Further information about the layer design can be found in this FAQ.
Design of Net Cross-Section in RF-LAMINATE
Does RF‑LAMINATE perform the design of a net cross-section?
Mr. Kuhn is responsible for developing products for timber structures, and provides technical support for our customers.

You can define built-up timber cross-sections, for example, channel, T, I, and box girders. Single elements are connected by rigid or semi‑rigid connections. Furthermore, hybrid cross-sections are available. In this case, a submenu provides an option to assign different materials to the individual cross‑section parts.

In the material library of RFEM, you can find plywood materials according to the US and Canadian standards ANSI/APA PRG 510 Plywood (USA/CAN).

For the fire resistance design of timber surfaces, you can display a charring diagram depending on the time of fire exposure.
It is also possible to print this charring diagram into the printout report.

In RFEM, the oriented strand board (OSB) material is available for the USA and Canada. The material parameters are taken from the "Panel Design Specification manual".