
Minimizing Number of Mesh Elements for Detailed Model Contour in RWIND Simulation

How can I keep the number of mesh elements in the model low for the numerical flow analysis despite a very fine model contour?


The activated model simplification allows RWIND Simulation to generate a "shrink-wrapping" mesh similar to a shrink wrap around the model geometry before the actual finite solid meshing. The program uses the target mesh size of this wrapping mesh from the respectively assigned detail level of the model. This minimum mesh size specifies the finite volume element size in surroundings to the wrapping mesh and additionally specifies the finite volume mesh size distribution between the wrapping mesh on the model and the wind tunnel boundary surfaces in cooperation with the globally defined mesh density. The fine meshing in the model surroundings is necessary for good determination of the turbulence effect and a real boundary layer distribution.

However, since the resulting pressures on the model geometry are adjusted by transformation at the transition points between the finite volume mesh and the wrapping mesh, the wrapping mesh does not necessarily have to have the same mesh geometry as the enclosing finite volume mesh. This fact allows for optimization of the wrapping mesh geometry with regard to the number of elements with a variable size distribution to determine the correct geometry.

Such an optimization of the simplified "shrink-wrapping" mesh geometry can be activated in RWIND Simulation using the optimization option in the model properties. To control the number of elements on the wrapping mesh geometry, you can specify an expected element number range with minimum and maximum limit values in the option properties.


Mr. Niemeier is responsible for the development of RFEM, RSTAB, RWIND Simulation, and in the area of membrane structures. He is also responsible for quality assurance and customer support.

