
[EN] FAQ 001193 | Which units are specified in the result display of the support reactions...

Which units are specified in the result display of the support reactions (kN or kN/m)? A note about this is missing in the graphic.

When the support reactions are given in kN/m, for which distance does the value apply?

The units of the node and line supports can be seen in the max/min info. For the support forces, for example, the unit kN/m is used, and for the support moments, kNm/m.

The note about this is not preset in the graphic because the results of internal forces can also be displayed in the graphic at the same time. To activate the output of units, enter "Project Navigator - Display" - "Results" - "Result Values".

The value refers to a distance of 1 m.

A partial value is specified in each FE Mesh Node. A snapshot (so to speak) of the line support is displayed.
