
Objects to Analyze - Stress Ranges

The Objects to Analyze - Stress Range table lists all objects available in the model and suitable for the analysis, sorted by 'Object Type': members, member sets, surfaces, surface sets, solids, solid sets, and line welded joints.

Select Objects

The 'Analyze all' check box allows you to easily select all available objects. Thus, the input options in the 'Selected Objects' column are locked and all numbers of the objects of a type are automatically preset; for example, all members.

If you want to specify only certain objects for the analysis of stress ranges, clear the 'Analyze all' check box. Now, you can enter the numbers of the relevant objects in the 'Selected Objects' column.


To select the objects graphically in the work window, click in the cell and use the button Select Individually .

Remove objects from analysis

If you want to exclude certain objects from the analysis of stress ranges, leave the selected check box 'Analyze all' selected. In the 'Removed from Analysis' column, enter the numbers of the irrelevant objects. The entries in the column 'To Be Analyzed' will then be adjusted accordingly.


If you have manually excluded the objects from the stress range analysis instead of selecting them, no warning message appears for these objects in the result tables.

Not Valid or Deactivated Objects

The columns 'To Be Analyzed' and 'Not Valid/Deactivated' are filled in automatically. Thus, all members of a type that is unsuitable for the analysis of stress ranges are detected and deactivated for the analysis.


With the default setting 'Analyze all', an automatic analysis of the stress ranges of all valid objects is performed. Invalid objects, such as rigid members, are ignored in the calculation.

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