

All materials available in the model are listed in the Materials table as well as in the navigator category 'Stress-Strain Analysis'.

Remove materials from analysis

For all valid materials, you can exclude all objects from the stress-strain analysis by clearing the 'To Analyze' check box to which this material is assigned. Thus, the objects are sorted in the tables Objects to be Analyzed - Stresses and Objects to be Analyzed - Stress Ranges in the column 'Not Valid/Deactivated' and removed from the analysis.

Adjusting Material Properties

To adjust the properties of a material, double-click the table row or click the button Open Editing Dialog Box to open the editing dialog box for the material in the table toolbar. In the 'Main' tab, select the User-defined material check box.

In the 'Material Values' tab, you can now edit the material properties for the stress-strain analysis; for example, the material stiffnesses or the strengths of the individual thickness ranges.

The modified values are taken into account accordingly in the stress-strain analysis of members, surfaces, solids, and line welds.


User-defined materials are indicated by the #button in the 'Options' table column.image@050045#.

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