
Stress-Strain Analysis

In the Stress-Strain Analysis category in the Navigator - Data and the table, you can define the basic assignments for the Analysis Made. You can check the objects to be analyzed, their materials, cross-sections, and thicknesses, and assign the analysis configurations to the objects. The input data in tabular form also form the basis for the documentation in the printout report.

Input Tables

The functions known from RFEM are available for working in the input tables. General information can be found in Chapter Tables of the RFEM manual.

Specific tables relating to the add-on are described in the following subchapters:

Use the Global Add-on Settings in the input tables or using the shortcut menu in the navigator entry to open the Global Settings dialog box for the stress-strain analysis.


The detailed settings for the stress-strain analysis are managed in the configurations. There are specific configurations for different object types where you can define limit values or certain calculation specifications for stresses, for example.

Assign configuration in object editing dialog box

The analysis configurations are designed as types for the individual object types. You can create different types and assign the appropriate configuration to the objects in the Stress-Strain Analysis - Configuration tab of the editing dialog box.

Select an existing configuration in the 'Configuration' list or use the button New , button to create a new type. The Multiple Selection allows you to graphically select another object to import its configuration. Use the Edit to access the editing dialog box of the configuration.

Assign objects in configuration dialog box

You can also assign the objects in the configuration dialog boxes.

The 'List' on the left in the section of a configuration dialog box contains all configurations available in the model for the specific object type (member, surface, line welded joint, solid). You can use the New you can create a new configuration with default parameters using the button Copy Copy the selected configuration. You can delete a configuration by using the button Delete button.

To assign the configuration selected in the list to the objects, enter the object numbers in the 'Assigned to ...' dialog section above. You can use the Select Individually you can also determine the objects graphically.

Assign objects in configuration table

In the input tables of the configurations, you can also assign the objects to the configurations.


No stress-strain analysis is carried out for an object to which no configuration is assigned.