In Window 1.1 General Data, you specify the design standard and the actions. The tabs manage the load cases, load combinations, and result combinations for the designs in the ultimate and the serviceability limit state, as well as for the fire resistance design.
You have to specify the standard according to which you want to perform the reinforced concrete design. Different standards are available for selection in the list. You can purchase each standard separately.
Standards marked in red are no longer valid, but can, for example, be used for recalculations of existing structural buildings. You can hide the "old" standards by using the [Filter] button.
For the design according to Eurocode (EN 1992-1-1:2004/A1:2014), you have to specify the National Annex whose parameters apply to the checks.
Click the button to view the default parameters (see Figure 3.4).
In this dialog box, you can find all design-relevant coefficients specified in the National Annexes. They are listed by the Eurocode's clause numbers.
If other specifications apply to partial safety factors, reduction factors, angles of concrete compression strut, button to create a copy of the current National Annex.
In this user-defined annex, you can specify the parameters individually.
In this input field, you can enter user-defined notes describing the current design case, for example.