
5.5.2 Nonlinear Calculation - Serviceability

Nonlinear Calculation - Serviceability

Figure 5.35 Window 6.2.3 Serviceability Limit State for Nonlinear Calculation by Member

The table in the upper part shows the deformations and crack widths that have been determined as governing in the nonlinear serviceability limit state design.

The lower part lists all Detailed Results for the table row selected above.

With the All load cases check box, you can decide whether to only show the deformations and crack widths of the governing action or (as shown in Figure 5.35) the results of all analyzed load cases and combinations.

Member No.

The deformations and crack widths are sorted by members.

Location x

The x-locations refer to the FE nodes that have been created on the members for the nonlinear calculation. Use the [Details] button in the Iteration Parameters tab of the Settings for Nonlinear Calculation dialog box (see Figure 2.30) to access the FE Mesh dialog box of RFEM where you can adjust the FE mesh settings.


This column displays the numbers of the load cases or load combinations that are governing for the individual cross-sections, members, or sets of members.

If several load cases or combinations have been designed, it is possible to show the results of all analyzed actions by selecting the All load cases check box.


The column lists the resulting displacements ug on the individual member locations. The total displacement is related to the global XYZ-coordinate system.

The deformation components in the direction of the global axes X, Y, and Z can be seen among the detailed results in the Global Nodal Deformations category. The components in the direction of the local member axes x, y, and z can be found in the Local Nodal Deformations category.


In this column, the characteristic crack widths according to EN 1992-1-1, 7.3.4, Eq. (7.8) are indicated (see Chapter 2.2.4). For the determination of crack spacing and strains, the program uses the internal forces of the nonlinear calculation.

Existing Value

This column displays the values that are governing for the deformation and crack width analyses.

The Detailed Results in the lower part of the window (see Figure 5.36) provide information about all design details. They are organized in a tree structure.

Figure 5.36 Detailed Results window section with details for cross-sectional rigidities and deformations
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