
Technical Literature

Which reference book can you recommend for RFEM?


The most important functions of RFEM are described in the online manual. It also includes a short theoretical chapter on finite elements. Useful information about modeling and result evaluation for calculations according to the Finite Element Method can also be found in the technical articles of our Knowledge Base.

Of course, the documentation cannot replace the technical literature. To help you get started with finite elements, here are some recommended readings:

  • Barth, Christian, & Rustler, Walter. (2013). Finite Elemente in der Baustatik-Praxis. (2nd ed.). Bauwerk. (➥ Amazon)
  • Werkle, Horst. (2021). Finite Elemente in der Baustatik. (4th ed.). Springer Vieweg. (➥ Amazon)
  • Nasdala, Lutz. (2015). FEM-Formelsammlung für Statik und Dynamik. (3rd ed.). Springer Vieweg. (➥ Amazon)
  • Němec, Ivan. (2010). Finite Element Analysis of Structures – Principles and Praxis. Shaker-Verlag. (➥ Amazon)
  • De Souza Neto, Eduardo A. (2008). Computational Methods for Plasticity – Theory and Applications. Wiley. (➥ Amazon)
  • Rombach, Günter. (2000). Anwendung der finiten Elemente im Betonbau. Ernst & Sohn. (➥ Amazon)

This list is only a small selection of the recommendations. You can also find further technical literature in the references of the mentioned works.


Mr. Vogl creates and maintains the technical documentation.
