11 Program Functions

9.7.3 Average Region

Average Region

It is possible to define a region in the model where the graphical results are not displayed with the actual distributions, but as an average value. This average region allows for an evaluation of the averaged surface internal forces and stresses. Regions are managed as independent objects in the tabs of the Project Navigator.

To create an average region, select the menu item

    • Results → New Average Region

or use the corresponding shortcut menu in the Data navigator.

Image 9.37 Data navigator: Average Regions shortcut menu

A dialog box opens where you can specify the parameters of the region.

Image 9.38 New Average Region dialog box

In addition to the No., you have to enter the Description of the region, making the selection easier when you evaluate results. The regions are stored under Average Regions in the Data navigator where they can also be adjusted retroactively.

The On Surfaces No. dialog section lists the numbers of the surfaces for which you want to average results. This option is useful if the region's projection intersects with several surfaces. You can also select relevant surfaces graphically using .

In the Center dialog section, specify the center point C of the region. The coordinates can be entered manually or selected graphically in the work window using . The Dimensions describe the shape of the region by means of parameters relevant for your settings.

The Projection in Direction dialog section describes the reference of the defined region to the surfaces. Generally, the projection is set perpendicular to the selected surfaces, but global projection directions in X, Y, and Z are also possible, as well as entering any projection vectors. With , you can select two points in the work window to define the vector.

Control of regions in Results navigator

The Angular Rotation dialog section provides an option to rotate the average region. The Form of the region can be defined as a rectangle, circle, or ellipse. The respective parameters are shown in the dialog graphic to the right.

In the Directions and forces for Averaging dialog section, you can specify the local axes that the Grouped averaging should refer to for the internal forces. Alternatively, it is possible to use the Individual averaging to only consider selected surface axes and internal forces.

It is also possible to Set result values over the entire region to zero. In this way, you can disable the result values in a selected zone of the model.

In the Results navigator, you can individually display and hide average regions.

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