11 Program Functions

7.1.3 Regenerate Model

Regenerate Model

RFEM automatically revises small inconsistencies in the model produced during the modeling process or arising from data exchange with CAD programs. To access this function, use the menu option

    • Tools → Regenerate Model.
Image 7.7 Regenerate Model dialog box

In the Unite Close Lying Nodes dialog section, define a threshold for the distances of nodes: When values fall below the Tolerance, nodes are considered to be identical and combined into a single node. Since redundant nodes are deleted, a renumbering of objects may result.

The Consider Lines/Members as Vertical dialog section allows you to control the position of local line and member axes. The orientation of axes for members in vertical position differs fundamentally from members in general (inclined) position (see Chapter 4.17). To impose a vertical position for a general position, you can use the Tolerance text box. Thus you prevent the member axes from "switching", which is also favorable for load input and output of internal forces.

Use the options in the Integrate Nodes Automatically in Surfaces dialog section for nodes with only a very small distance to a surface or boundary line to automatically include them in the list of integrated objects of the surface (see Integrated Objects). As a result, a manual integration of the nodes is unnecessary. Please note that an internal check is carried out before the calculation starts: If the nodes' distance to the surface is too large, they are considered as not belonging to the surface.

You can activate a feature to automatically Round Node Coordinates in the dialog section. For this, define the relevant number of decimal places.

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