
RF-GLASS | Calculation

The global calculation assigns the stiffness determined by means of the selected composition and the glass geometry to each surface. Then, the calculation proceeds using the plate theory. It is possible to select whether the shear coupling of layers should be considered.

In the case of the local calculation, you can further specify 2D or 3D calculation. Two-dimensional calculation means that the single-layer or laminated glass is modeled as a surface, whose thickness is calculated on the basis of the selected structure and glass geometry (using the plate theory). Similarly to the global calculation, you can optionally consider shear coupling of layers.

The 3D calculation uses solids in the model to substitute each composition layer. This way, the results are more accurate, but the calculation may take more time.

It is possible to model insulating glass only if local calculation is selected. The gas layer is always modeled as a solid element, so it is necessary to design individual insulating glass parts independently of the surrounding structure. The ideal gas law (thermal equation of state of ideal gases) is considered for the calculation and the third-order analysis.
