
RF-GLASS | Input

In the add-on module, select the surfaces to be designed (for example, by using the Select function). The geometry of the glass pane, as well as the loads, is imported from the RFEM model.

Then, you have to decide if the calculation should be performed without the influence of the surrounding structure (local calculation) or with consideration of this influence (global calculation). If you select the local calculation, each surface selected for the design is detached from the model and calculated separately.

The global calculation considers the entire structure, including entered glass panes. All glass composition data and glass properties of individual layers are to be defined in RF-GLASS input windows. You can select layers of type glass, foil, and gas. The desired material can be imported directly from the library, which contains a large number of materials.

All parameters of individual layers, including their thicknesses, are editable. In addition, you can create a number of compositions in RF-GLASS, allowing you to design different types of glass together.

For insulating glass, you can consider external loads as well as loads due to temperature, atmospheric pressure, and altitude changes for the analysis. The module calculates these loads automatically on the basis of climatic load parameters. If you select the local calculation type, it is necessary to define line supports, nodal supports, and boundary members of the surfaces in RF-GLASS. These supports and members are considered in RF-GLASS only and have no influence on the model created in RFEM.
