
Creep-Producing Permanent Load

Why can I specify a "creep-producing permanent load" in RF‑CONCRETE Columns but not in RF‑CONCRETE Members?


The RF‑CONCRETE Columns add-on module for RFEM 5 allows you to define a "creep-producing permanent load". You can find the corresponding tab in Window "1.1 General Data".

The reason for the entry is that RF‑CONCRETE Columns can apply this "creep-producing permanent load" for the automatic determination of the effective creep ratio according to EN 1992‑1‑1, 5.8.4.

In contrast, there is no explicit input option for this creep-producing permanent load in RF‑CONCRETE Members. In RF‑CONCRETE Members, the stability analysis of reinforced concrete columns by means of nonlinear design does not automatically reduce the effective creep ratio. You can find the background to the effective creep ratio applied in RF‑CONCRETE Members in Chapter 2.4.6 of the RF-CONCRETE Members manual.
Online Manual RF-CONCRETE Members | 2.4.6 Creep and Shrinkage

The same applies to the CONCRETE Columns or CONCRETE add-on modules for RSTAB 8.


Mr. Kieloch provides technical support to our customers and is responsible for development in the area of reinforced concrete structures.
