For surfaces, the bottom reinforcement is located in the direction of the positive local z-surface axis; the top reinforcement correspondingly in the direction of the negative local surface z-axis. The surface axes can be switched on in the Display navigator by selecting "Model" → "Surfaces" → "Surface Axis Systems x,y,z", or in the shortcut menu of surfaces. You can change the position of the local z-axis of a surface using the "Reverse Local Axis System" option in the shortcut menu.
In this case, the bottom reinforcement of members is located on the member side in the direction of the positive local member z-axis; the top reinforcement correspondingly in the direction of the negative z-axis. You can display the member axes for control purposes in Project Navigator – Display by selecting "Model" → "Members" → "Member Axis Systems x, y, z", or in the member shortcut menu.