The main structural elements, such as arches and bracing curve members, are made of steel and have a total span of ~ 241.1 ft between the concrete pile supports. The cladding system consists of a series of tensioned fabric membranes with a width of ~ 10.5 ft, which span a length of ~ 23 to 42.7 ft and are surrounded by corner cables.
This roof system creates a transparent picture of the roof while protecting spectators from the effects of the weather.
FHS Ingeniería Estructural Ltda.
Santiago, Chile
Roof of stadium after form-finding (© FHS Ingeniería Estructural Ltda.)
This roof system creates a transparent picture of the roof while protecting spectators from the effects of the weather.
FHS Ingeniería Estructural Ltda.
Santiago, Chile
Roof of stadium after form-finding (© FHS Ingeniería Estructural Ltda.)
Stadium Roof
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Customer Project / View Only
Number of Nodes | 626 |
Number of Lines | 932 |
Number of Members | 908 |
Number of Surfaces | 56 |
Number of Solids | 2 |
Number of Load Cases | 8 |
Number of Load Combinations | 46 |
Number of Result Combinations | 2 |
Total Weight | 234.549 tons |
Dimensions (Metric) | 26.381 x 83.954 x 17.638 m |
Dimensions (Imperial) | 86.55 x 275.44 x 57.87 feet |
Program Version | 5.22.00 |
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