
Pristina City Center, Republic of Kosovo

Due to the collaboration between Arch. Davide Prando and Eng. Marco Rota Nodari, it was possible to further develop the wind flow analysis by examining two towers 120 m and 90 m (about 393 ft and 295 ft high), respectively, in a digital wind tunnel.


The slim shape, considerable height, and interference by nearby buildings made simulation in RWIND 2 necessary in order to determine the actions of pressure and underpressure caused by wind acting on the envelope.

When designing the structures, this software was of fundamental importance, especially for identifying the surfaces subjected to the most severe conditions.

Location Pristina City Center,
Investor Immi Ceramica
Via Rruga Brigada VII
Tirane, Albania
Structural Design VM Architettura Integrata Srl
Via Europa, 50
Busnago, Italy
Assembly Immi Ceramica
Via Rruga Brigada VII
Tirane, Albania

Project Specifications

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