
2.1 General Data

In the 1.1 General Data window, you can define the relevant surfaces as well as important parameters for the generation of load cases.

Figure 2.1 Module window 1.1 General Data
Generate Moving Loads on Surfaces

In this input field, you can manually enter the numbers of the Surfaces receiving moving loads. By selecting the All check box you can set all surfaces of the model.

Use the [Select] button to select the surfaces graphically in the RFEM work window. Use the [Delete] button to clear the list of preset surface numbers.

Export Type

In this window section, you can define the rules how the generated load cases for moving loads are transferred to RFEM.

Add load cases to the existing ones

The load cases from RF-MOVE Surfaces will be added to the load cases that are already available in RFEM. It is necessary to specify in the Start Generation with section in the 1.4 Sets of Movements window a starting load case number that is higher than the last number assigned in RFEM (see chapter 2.4).

Overwrite load cases with identical numbers

The data of the generated load cases will overwrite all load cases that are already available with the same numbers in RFEM. This applies not only to the load data created so far by RF-MOVE Surfaces but also to user-defined load cases with higher numbers.

Delete load cases

All load cases that have already been created by RF-MOVE Surfaces will be deleted. They will be recreated with the modified specifications and filled with generation data.

This option is preset if load data is already available in the add-on module, ensuring that loads won't be created twice by mistake.

Model was changed, regenerate and overwrite load cases

If the geometry data was changed in RFEM, the following query appears when opening the add-on module again:

Figure 2.2 RFEM query

Irrespective of your decision, the last option in the Export Type section will then be enabled. Thus, it is possible to consider the modified boundary conditions for a regeneration of loads. RF-MOVE Surfaces will recreate the load cases, filling them with the adjusted data.

If you confirm the query with [Yes], the input fields in the windows 1.2 to 1.4 will be locked. The load cases must be generated again.

Result Combination of Type "Envelope"

The check box allows for generating a result combination from the load cases of the moving load. This combination contains the extreme values of the internal forces and moments, deformations, and support forces.

The load cases will be superimposed as alternatively acting (‚or‘-criterion). They can be applied as Permanent or Variable acting. You can see the difference between both options, for example, if only positive internal forces are available at a position: The smallest of all positive values is shown for the permanent superposition. For the variable superposition, the value is zero.

Influence Lines/Surfaces

The check box offers the possibility to consider influence lines and surfaces determined by the add-on module RF-INFLUENCE. This way, you can reduce the amount of data because only unfavorably acting load cases will be created.

After selecting the Consider check box, you can choose the relevant point with its influence surface η in the list. In addition, you must specify the Direction where the unit force or moment is acting.

When considering an influence surface, the program will create only those load cases that correspond to the influence lines of the unit load on the model. You have to specify whether the positive or negative values of the influence surface are governing.

Example: For a three-span bridge with an influence surface node lying in the middle of the second span, the program creates for the positive bending moments only loads in the second span. For the negative bending moments, the program generates loads for the two external spans.

The Activate zero values check box makes it possible to also consider positions with influence surfaces η = 0 for the generation.


In this text box, you can enter user-defined notes describing, for example, the applied generation parameters.

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