
4.1 Checking the Results

The add-on module RF-MOVE Surfaces doesn't have any results windows. But the load cases including the generated loads can be checked in the RFEM work window.

The message displayed after the generation allows you to exit RF-MOVE Surfaces and to return to RFEM (see Image 3.1). You can also use the [OK] button which is available in every module window.

The generated load cases can be displayed in RFEM in the following ways:

  • Data navigator: Load Cases and Combinations → Load Cases
  • Toolbar: list of load cases
  • Table: 2.1 Load Cases
  • Menu: Edit → Load Cases and Combinations → Load Cases
Figure 4.1 Generated load cases in navigator, load case list and table

The Descriptions of the load positions are automatically created, based on the load step numbers. If required, you can adjust them in the Edit Load Cases and Combinations dialog box (see Image 4.2).

Figure 4.2 Dialog box Edit Load Cases and Combinations

If a result combination has been generated with RF-MOVE Surfaces, it is also listed in the Data navigator. The superposition parameters can be checked in the Result Combinations tab of the Edit Load Cases and Combinations dialog box.

Figure 4.3 Dialog box Edit Load Cases and Combinations, tab Result Combinations

The loads that have been generated in the individual load cases can be checked as usual in the graphic, the edit dialog boxes, or in table 3. Loads. They entered the corresponding tables as free concentrated loads, free line loads, or free polygon loads.

Figure 4.4 Table 3.7 Free Line Loads with generated moving loads
Figure 4.5 Table 3.10 Free Polygon Loads with generated moving loads
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