
2.4 Sets of Movements

This module window connects the geometry input of window 1.2 Sets of Lines with the load input of window 1.3 Moving Loads: Here, the moving load sets can be assigned to particular sets of lines. Thus, the window defines which load set is moving on which set of lines.

Figure 2.7 Window 1.4 Sets of Movements
Current Set of Movements

A set of movements includes one or several combinations of sets of lines with moving loads. The number of the first set of movements is preset. The description Movement 1 can be manually overwritten.

In the majority of cases, a single set of movements will be sufficient. If moving loads are moving completely independently of each other, you can create another set of movements with the [New] button.

The buttons have the following functions:

Table 2.4 Buttons for managing sets of movements
Button Function

Goes to previous or next set of movements

Creates a new set of movements

Allows for renumbering current set of movements

Deletes current set of movements

Deletes all sets of movements without any warning

To Generate

With this check box you can decide if RFEM load cases will be created from the current set of movements. It is possible to remove the check mark, for example, for test purposes.


In the table, you can assign specific moving loads to certain sets of lines. You can enter several sets of lines (e.g. lanes) with corresponding load sets (e.g. lane loads), which represents the so-called Set of Movements.

Set of Lines

In the list, you can select a set of lines that has been defined in window 1.2. You can access the list with the button or the function key [F7].

Set of Moving Load

In the second column, you can define the set of moving loads which is moving along the set of lines. The list allows for a selection among the moving load combinations defined in window 1.3.

Load Factor

The effect of the load combination can be scaled by a factor.

Distance from Previous Load
Figure 2.8 Defining distance to previous load

This column is accessible as soon as a set of lines is again selected for load assignment in column A. It allows for applying a combination of loads with an offset on the same set of lines. This way, load models with tandem axles, for example, can run successively over the surface.

The load distance to the fixed point of the previous load position must be specified as a positive value.

Independently Related to Previous Load

Also this column is only accessible if a set of lines appears several times in column A (see Image 2.8). The check box is not ticked by default. So the second load set is moving synchronously to the first one along the set of lines.

If this option is activated, both load sets are moving independently over the surfaces - individually as well as together. With regard to combinations, the distance defined in column D is considered as the minimum distance between the load positions.

Action category

Each load case must be assigned to an Action category controlling the superposition of load cases as well as partial safety and combination factors in RFEM (see RFEM manual, chapter 5.1). You can select the appropriate category in the list. It applies to all load cases that are created by RF-MOVE Surfaces.

Independent movement of loads on various sets of lines

The loads are moving according to the moving step Δ defined in window 1.2 along the sets of lines. If several sets of lines ("paths") are defined in the table above, the generation starts for the starting points of each set of lines. Thus, depending on the sets of lines' arrangement and direction, loads are created which are moving, for example, parallel over the surfaces or in the opposite direction.

If the check box is ticked, the load sets will run independently over the surfaces. All constellations will be combined, which has a corresponding impact on the number of generated load cases.

Delete load row

Use the key combination [Ctrl]+[Y] to delete a table row in window 1.4. Alternatively, you can use the delete function available in the shortcut menu (for example, right-click into selected input field).

Number of Generated Load Cases

This window section displays the number of load cases that can be expected by the selected settings. It represents a useful checking option before the generation starts.

Start Generation with

You have to specify the No. which should be given to the first generated load case. The subsequent load positions will then be numbered in ascending order.

If an Either/or result combination has been specified for the generation in window 1.1 (see chapter 2.1), it is also possible to define the No. of the "enveloping" RC.

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