
3 Generation

This chapter describes how the load cases and the result combination are created for RFEM.

Each module window of RF-MOVE Surfaces provides a [Generate] button. Use this button to create the load cases and the result combination for RFEM.

After a successful generation, the numbers of the new load cases and the new result combination, if applicable, are shown in a message.

Figure 3.1 Message after generation

Now, the generation is completed.

After confirming the message with [Yes], you exit the add-on module RF-MOVE Surfaces. Then, the created load cases can be checked in the work window of RFEM (see chapter 4.1). If you click [No], you return to RF-MOVE Surfaces in order to adjust, for example, the generation settings. 

It is not possible to create load cases for RF-MOVE Surfaces in the graphical user interface of RFEM.

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