
Columns Subjected to Tensile Stress in RF-/JOINTS Steel – Column Base

The product range of Dlubal Software contains various modules for the design of steel and timber connections. The RF-/JOINTS Steel – Column Base add-on module allows you to analyze footings of hinged or restrained steel column bases. The fastener selection, foundation geometry, and material quality are crucial for the cost-effective and safe design of the column base.

This article presents design checks of a rigid column applied to the tension area of the connection. The model is based on an example in the reference literature [1].


The column comprises of the cross-section HEB 280 and structural steel S 235 JR.

In Window 1.4 of RF‑/JOINTS, the dimensions of the foundation are specified as 140 x 120 x 80 cm. The concrete class is C20/25.

The parameters of the base plate are defined in Window 1.5 as illustrated in Image 02.

The dimensions and positions of the anchors are defined in Window 1.6 (see Image 03).

Internal forces

RF-/JOINTS allows you to define internal forces manually, and thus independently of the RFEM/RSTAB model.

The following design internal forces are specified in Window 1.3:

NEd = -396.0 kN
VEd = 21.5 kN
MEd = -110.0 kN

Anchor Forces

In order to determine the design-relevant internal forces, the following case distinctions are necessary:

The "Case F1 < 0 and F2 ≥ 0" is to be assumed as governing for the analysis of the connection in the tension area.

The following section of the article presents design checks of the connection in the tension area with regard to the anchor and the concrete.

Tensile Stress of Anchor

With the anchor M30 (strength 5.6, AS = 5.61 cm²), the design according to [2], Table 3.4, is as follows:

Anchor Pull Out

The resistance to pulling out the anchor is determined according to [4], Section, as follows:

Concrete Cone Failure

In case of the concrete cone failure, a conical break arises from the end of the anchorage element. The concrete cone failure design is performed according to [4], Section 9.2.4.

Splitting Failure

Splitting forces cause splitting cracks in the concrete. They occur as radially circumferential around the anchor and thus perpendicular to the tensile force. The splitting failure is also analyzed according to [4], Section 9.2.4.

The tension force resistance of the concrete is exceeded slightly. In this case, the splitting failure governs for the design in the tension areas of the connection.

The analysis for the tension area is completed in the program by designing the tension force introduction. However, this is not further described in this article. Furthermore, it is necessary to design the connection parts in the compression area, the bending resistance of the connection, the shear resistance, and the welds.


RF-/JOINTS Steel – Column Base designs footings of hinged and restrained column bases. In the case of a column with a base plate subjected to tensile stress, it is necessary to consider the tensile stresses, which arise in the concrete due to the load introduction on the fastener. The tension resistance of the concrete is often governing for the loads that can be transferred by the joint.


[1] Kahlmeyer, E., Hebestreit, K., & Vogt, W. (2012). Stahlbau nach EC 3 (6th ed.). Cologne: Werner.
[2] Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures – Part 1-8: Design of Joints; EN 1993‑1‑8:2005 + AC:2009.
[3] Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Structures – Part 1-1: General Rules and Rules for Buildings; EN 1992-1-1:2004 + AC:2010.
[4] Comité euro-international du béton (CEB). (19997). Design of Fastenings in Concrete – Design Guide. London: ICE Publishing.
[5] Dlubal Software. (2017). Manual RF-/JOINTS. Tiefenbach, January 2017. Download


Mr. Vogl creates and maintains the technical documentation.

  1. Eduard Kahlmeyer and Karin Hebestreit and Werner Vogt. Stahlbau nach EC 3. Werner Verlag, Köln, edition = 6. 2012.
  2. European Committee for Standardization. (2009). Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures – Part 1-8: Design of Joints; EN 1993‑1‑8:2005 + AC:2009. Berlin: Beuth Verlag GmbH.
  3. European Committee for Standardization (CEN). (2011). Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Structures – Part 1-1: General Rules and Rules for Buildings, EN 1992-1-1:2011-01. Berlin: Beuth Verlag GmbH.
