Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Do you have a question about the Dlubal programs? The FAQ page provides answers to frequently asked questions and commonly encountered problems. The solution is only a few clicks away! No need to wait with immediate access to hundreds of FAQ. The category filters and keyword search help you to quickly find the relevant question and answer.
Analysis of Prestressed Bolts in Steel Joints Add-on
In the Steel Joints add-on, I receive high design ratios for prestressed bolts for the tension force design.
Where does this high design ratio come from and how can I evaluate the bolt's load-bearing capacity reserves?
Update Report
Visualizing RWIND Forces Data in ParaView
How can I find RWIND results such as forces data in ParaView?
Manuals in Online Format
Do you also provide the manuals for RFEM, add-ons, and other Dlubal programs in a PDF format?
Defining RSECTION Cross-Sections in Grasshopper
How can I define RSECTION cross-sections in Grasshopper?
Details for Reinforcement Determination
How can I check the determination of the required reinforcement?
Modal Analysis with Cable Member/Members, Unstable Structure
How can I fix the error warning “10060 - The structure is unstable” for modal analysis instability?
Considering Nonlinearities in Response Spectrum Analysis in RFEM 6
Is it always necessary to consider tension member nonlinearities in response spectrum analysis?
Merging Several Members into One Member and Converting Existing Nodes into Nodes on Member
How can I convert a member set or several members into a single member again?
Cancelling Generated State
Is it possible to use both the convenient automatic generation and to subsequently customize the structure?
Steel Connection Rigidity
How can treating a connection as fully rigid result in an uneconomical design?
Modeling Cantilever as Member
Why is it suggested to model a cantilever using surface elements instead of a member element when studying buckling?
Surface Stiffness Modification in RFEM 6
What are the best use cases for each surface stiffness modification method in RFEM 6?
Using Building Model Add-on for Seismic Analysis
What is the key advantage of using the Building Model add-on for seismic analysis?
Nonlinear Time History Analysis in RFEM 6
Can I perform a nonlinear time history analysis in RFEM 6?
Wind Force Coefficient in RWIND
How can I obtain wind force coefficient in RWIND?
Single Sign-on with RFEM 6
How does single sign-on work with RFEM 6?
Testing API II Key
Is it possible to test the API II (gRPC) without incurring costs?
Display Factor for Deformations / Internal Forces in Printout Report / Graphic Printout
Where can I set the fator for deformation display factor for graphical printout, for example, in the printout report?
Shear Panels and Rotational Restraints in Structural, Stability, and Modal Analysis
Is it possible to consider shear panels and rotational restraints in the global calculation?
Sufficient Total Simulation Time for Transient Wind Simulation
How can I determine the sufficient total simulation time for an accurate transient wind analysis in RWIND?
Creating Nodal Constraint of Type "Diaphragm" in RFEM 6 | Comparison with RFEM 5
How can I create a nodal constraint of the "Diaphragm" type in RFEM 6, as the function "1.31 – Nodal Constraints" from RFEM 5 is no longer available?
CLT Wall-to-Floor Connection
Do I need to add a line hinge/line release for the CLT wall-to-floor connection in the Building Model add-on?
Mehrfachdrucke bearbeiten
Ich möchte einen Mehrfachdruck nachträglich bearbeiten; wie geht das?