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Structural Analysis of 5-Story Office and Residential Building

The architectural design of a 5-story office and residential building is already available. The building comprises of a reinforced concrete skeleton structure with stiffening shear walls. The first four stories are used as an office space. The 5th story is used as living area, and is reduced by 5.125 m at the front end of the building (a roof garden area), above the storage, and the storage office. The building is found on plane ground.

The allowed soil contact pressure is 250 kN/m², according to the soil expertise. The frontage is carried out as glass façade. Balconies are arranged in front of the frontage. The walls of the individual offices/living space are designed to be lightweight walls that can be shifted in various ways. The height between the storys is 4.50 m in the first story and 3.50 m in the remaining stories.

Wladislaw Weis
HafenCity University Hamburg, Germany

The allowed soil contact pressure is 250 kN/m², according to the soil expertise. The frontage is carried out as glass façade. Balconies are arranged in front of the frontage. The walls of the individual offices/living space are designed to be lightweight walls that can be shifted in various ways. The height between the storys is 4.50 m in the first story and 3.50 m in the remaining stories.

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