Wind Simulation Model of Eiffel Tower, RWIND Simulation Demo Model
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The aim of this technical article is to perform a design according to the general design method of Eurocode 2, using the example of a slender reinforced concrete column.

The deformation process of the global deformation components can be represented as a movement sequence.

Result values for deformations, internal forces, stresses, and so on, can be displayed on the isolines.

The results of solid stresses can be displayed as colored 3D points in the finite elements.

In addition to the "Mesh Refinement" and "Specific Direction" options for solids, you can also activate the "Grid for Results" option, which allows for organizing grid points in the solid space. Among other things, the center of gravity can be set as the origin. There is also the option to activate or deactivate the visibility of the grid for numerical results in "Navigator – Display" under Basic Objects.
Is it possible to consider shear panels and rotational restraints in the global calculation?
How can I analyze support reactions on line supports of surfaces?
Are the result sections helpful?