
6 Steel - Tower

This chapter describes the windows that are especially relevant for the RF-/JOINTS Steel - Tower module. The general input parameters are described in Chapter 2.

You can access the input windows of the add-on module once you select the material Steel and the joint group Tower.

Image 6.1 RF-JOINTS Steel - Tower add-on module

The input always refers to the design case selected in the upper part of the navigator. To change the design case, simply click the relevant entry in the list.

If the entries Geometry 1, Diagonal 1,1 connection, etc. are missing in the navigator, go to Window 1.2 Nodes and Members and check if the boundary conditions of the node are correct. For example, it might be necessary to adjust the construction status of the connected members (see Figure 6.9).

The input windows of the RF-JOINTS Steel - Tower module are divided into two parts: You can find the input parameters of the tower component on the left; they are illustrated by graphics on the right (see Figure 6.10). The upper graphic shows a system sketch of the current parameter, the lower graphic shows a 3D visualization of the node.

Image 6.2 3D visualization of node

The buttons below the 3D graphic are described in Table 3.1.