
3.4 Footing

In Window 1.4 Footing, you can specify the foundation parameters and define the position of the base plate.

Image 3.9 Window 1.4 Footing

In this window section, you can define the material and dimensions of the foundation. You can use the button to open the material library where you can find the properties of various types of concrete.

Grout Layer

Here you can define the grout thickness, the characteristic grout strength, and the friction coefficient of the grout layer between the base plate and the foundation.

Anchoring Template (in preparation)

If you have selected the cast-in anchors option in Window 1.1 General Data, you can define the dimensions of the anchor plate in this section. You can also set a welded connection of the anchoring template and base plate.

Additional Parameters

Using the parameters of the Eccentricity of base plate, you can arrange the base plate eccentrically on the foundation.

In this section, you can also specify whether there is an Edge reinforcement and what its form is.

The Cracks in concrete check box controls whether the calculation is performed with the concrete in the cracked state.

Restrained Column Footing - Bucket Footing

If you have selected the Bucket footing joint type in Window 1.1 General Data (see Figure 3.6), Window 1.4 Footing looks as follows:

Image 3.10 Window 1.4 Footing for the Bucket footing joint type

Click to open the material library where you can select the materials of the foundation.

You can enter the dimensions of the foundation plate and the bucket in the individual text boxes.

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