
9.6 Details

In the Details dialog box, you can give additional specifications for the design. This dialog box is available in every input window using the [Details] button.

Image 9.35 Details dialog box, General tab
Generation to Structural Model

The eccentricities and joints that are available due to the geometry parameters of RF-/JOINTS can also be used for the modeling. You can use the Generate member eccentricity and Generate connection model check boxes to export this specific member information to RFEM or RSTAB. However, no additional structural model is created there. Instead, when you start the RF-/JOINTS calculation, the eccentricity and connection are transferred to RFEM/RSTAB as a member property and nodal releases are generated in RFEM. This information can be found in the RSTAB Tables 1.4 Member Hinges and 1.5 Member Eccentricities or the RFEM Tables 1.14 Member Hinges, 1.15 Member Eccentricities, 1.24 Nodal Releases, and 1.30 Joints. The internal forces for the designs are then determined with the modified model.


There are export options for all members you can define eccentricities and hinges for. If there are already members with hinges or if there are trusses in the model, the additional connection hinges would lead to instabilities in the calculation. Therefore, a corresponding message appears before the dialog box is closed.

Image 9.36 Note for modeling

The generated eccentricities, for example, can be checked in the Edit Member Eccentricity dialog box in RFEM/RSTAB. However, it is not possible to change the values.

Image 9.37 Generated member eccentricity in RFEM or RSTAB

The Simplified results option is recommended if you want to analyze a large number of load combinations. Only a summary of the governing results is then displayed in the result windows. This not only speeds up the calculation, but also the evaluation of the results.

Image 9.38 Details dialog box, Timber tab
Design Value Setting

If the design value is generated by editing the characteristic load-carrying capacity Fv,Rk, the load-bearing capacity is adjusted to the semi-probabilistic safety concept with the factors kmod and γM.

The design value of the load-bearing capacity for each dowel and slotted plate is then:


Alternatively, the design value can be formed by editing the characteristic embedment strength fh,k and fastener yield moment My,Rk. In this case, the hole bearing strength and the yield moment are adjusted with the corresponding partial safety factors.

Hole bearing strength of timber:

F,d =kmod · f,kγM

Yield moment of the dowel:


In the third option, the design value is determined using the load carrying capacity of single dowel, taking into account the minimum timber thickness. This method is only specified in the German Annex to [2]. The minimum timber thickness is checked according to equation (NA.116) and then the ultimate limit state design is performed according to equation (NA.115). This procedure corresponds to a rather simplified design. If the failure criteria according to Johansen [9] are checked, the design is not necessary.

Reduction of Timber Tensile Strength

If the Reduction of timber tensile strength to percentage of basic value option is activated, the tensile strength of the timber is reduced in the design for bending and compression according to [2] Section 6.2.3. This reduction can be omitted if the warping of the connection is prevented by a guide pin, for example.

According to the German Annex to [2] mentioned below, separate reductions are required for nails and screws. The coefficients can be defined separately here.


For each connected member, you can separately specify whether the reduction should be taken into account (see Figure 9.28).


The Reduce slip modulus option reduces the stiffness of the connection determined by the modulus by the material's partial safety factor.

With the According to 3.2(3) for solid timber, According to 3.3(3) for glulam, and According to 5.1.3(1) for glulam check boxes, you can increase the bending and tensile strengths for the designs. The conditions and factors kh are given in the corresponding sections of the standard [2].

The Limit angle text box controls which force is assigned to an optional screw reinforcement (see Equation 9.5). With the default setting, only forces acting at a flatter angle than 30° in the respective fastener are considered.

[2] Eurocode 5: Design of timber structures - Part 1-1: General - Common rules and rules for buildings; EN 1995-1-1:2010-12
[9] K. W. Johansen. Theory of timber connections. Bern, edition = 9, 1949.