The joint categories Beam to Column and Beam to Beam are available for RF-/JOINTS Steel - Rigid. You can select the category by using the drop-down list or clicking the buttons with the connection icons.
The following joint types are available:
End plate connection - bolted beam-to-column connection via welded end plate |
End plate joint - bolted beam joint via welded end plates |
Splice plate - bolted beam joint via splice plates |
You can use the list for the Force distribution in joint to control whether an elastic or plastic distribution of the bolt forces should be assumed in the joint.
The default setting is Elastic.
The Use material of main beam for other joint components check box allows you to use a material globally for all components. Excepted from this are screws, for which the strength grade must always be specified. If the check box is cleared (default setting), you can define the materials for each component separately in Window 1.2 Nodes and Members.