
5.4 Geometry

In Window 1.4 Geometry, you can define the geometric parameters of the moment-resisting joint. Default values are already preset.

Image 5.7 Window 1.4 Geometry for bolted beam-to-column joint

This section manages general information about the connection.

For example, you can define buckling stiffeners or tapers on the top and bottom side of the beam at the column joint.

In the case of a splice plate connection, you can define the distance (gap) between the beams as well as the vertical position of the web joint in this section.

End Plate

This section is available if the joint configuration has an end plate:

  • Rigid end plate connection for beam to column
  • Rigid end plate connection for beam to beam

Here you can define the basic properties of the end plate: Plate height, width, and thickness. Furthermore, you have to specify if the end plate is "retracted" at the top or if there is a plate overhang.

If the existing joint configuration (also) provides a "retracted" end plate at the bottom of the beam, this has to be controlled by the plate height.


If the Use material of main beam for other joint components option is deactivated in Window 1.1 General Data, you can also define the material of the end plate in this section.


This section is also only available for bolted end plate connections. Here you have to enter all the important data concerning the bolt layout. The interactive graphic supports most of the input data, so that changes in the geometry can be immediately understood. In this section, you can also define the bolt strength grade.

Two or four-row joint configurations are possible.

Image 5.8 Parameters for bolts and bolt layout

This section is only relevant for end plate connections as well. You can define the fillet weld thicknesses separately for the connection of the upper and lower flange to the end plate as well as for the connection of the beam web to the end plate.


Fillet welds are always assumed; you cannot enter butt welds.

Use web rib stiffener

This section is only available for rigid beam-to-column joints.

In it, you can specify whether there are additional horizontal web ribs and where they are arranged. The Use web rib stiffener list allows you to arrange one or more web ribs on the beam, in the column, or in both structural components.

In the other rows, you can define the geometric parameters that affect the dimensions and position of the stiffeners. Furthermore, you have to specify the fillet weld thickness for the connection of the stiffeners.

Image 5.9 Parameters for web rib and backing plates
Backing plates on column side

For bolted, rigid beam-to-column joints, you can specify whether you want to reinforce the column flange by backing plates in this section. Backing plates are described in detail in Section

After selecting the Use backing plates option, you can define the parameters that affect the backing plates at the column flange in the rows below (see Figure 5.9).

Backing plates are inserted loosely.


It is not possible to weld these plates firmly into the column cross-section.

Column part

The Column part section is only relevant for bolted, rigid beam-to-column joints and is therefore only available for this joint configuration.

In this section, you can enter all the information that is important for the design of the column components. This includes the formation of the upper part of the column, the arrangement of stiffeners in the plane of the upper and lower flange of the connected beam, as well as the option to reinforce the column web with a web stiffener for shear loading (plate reinforcement or diagonal stiffening of the column web).

Image 5.10 Window 1.4 Geometry with specifications for Column part
Splice plates on flanges

The Splice plates on flanges section is only available for the Rigid splice plate connection joint type. In this section, you can enter all geometry specifications for the external and internal splice plates.

Image 5.11 Window 1.4 Geometry for rigid splice plate connection

Currently, only splice plate connections that have external and internal splice plates on the flanges are supported.


Configurations that only have external splice plates are not possible.

Splice plates on web

This section is only available for the Rigid splice plate connection joint type as well. This is where you define the geometric specifications for the web splices.

Bolts on flanges

This section manages the specifications concerning the bolt layout of a rigid splice plate connection. Furthermore, you can specify the bolt strength grade and bolt diameters.

Currently, only connections with a uniform bolt diameter and with one bolt row per flange side are supported.


It is therefore not possible to enter four-row configurations.

Bolts on web

In this section, you can specify the bolt parameters to be applied to the web for a rigid splice plate connection: Bolt layout, bolt diameter, and bolt strength grade.

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