
3.7 Shear Transfer

In Window 1.7 Shear Transfer, you can enter the shear key parameters.

Image 3.15 Window 1.7 Shear Transfer
Shear Key

There are three options available for Shear transfer, but they cannot be combined at will: Friction, Anchors, and Shear key. Select the corresponding check box to increase the shear failure resistance. The friction resistance is considered if there is a compressive force. It reduces the existing shear force so that anchors or shear keys have to absorb less shear.

When using a shear key, you can select a cross-section from the list that is available in the RFEM/RSTAB model. You can use the button to define a different cross-section. shows the properties of the cross-section. You can change the cross-section retroactively using .

You can define a separate material for the shear key using the button (provided that the Use the column material for other joint components check box has not been activated in Window 1.1 General Data). Thus, the materials of the column, base plate, and shear key do not have to be identical.

You can specify the length of the shear key in the corresponding text box.

Shear Key Welds

In this window section, you can enter the thickness of the circumferential weld that connects the shear key with the base plate.

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