
"Salvador Allende" Gym in Cavezzo, Italy

Cavezzo was one of the towns in the region of Emilia-Romagna damaged by the 2012 earthquake.

As a result of this event, many public and private structures were heavily damaged and became uninhabitable. The municipal gym is one of these structures; the damage was so serious that it was necessary to completely demolish the existing structure, made of reinforced concrete.

New Building Construction

The designer decided to rebuild the whole structure, using timber as the main material. It is a lighter solution and well suited to meet the main requirement of reopening the gym in the shortest possible time.

The building has a rectangular plan with dimensions of approximately W x L x H = 33 m x 25 m x 10 m (108 ft x 82 ft x 33 ft). The spacing between the frames made of glued-laminated timber amounts to approximately 6.5 m (21 ft). The bracing in the longitudinal direction is ensured by the presence of CLT panels appropriately fixed to the frame columns and the strip foundation.

The structure was modeled very accurately using rotational springs on the beam-column coupling as well as on the panel-panel and panel-member joints. The spring stiffness was calculated according to the connectors used in accordance with the current regulations. This allowed very accurate assessment of the behavior of the structure under dynamic actions.

The special design functions of RFEM enabled a shear transfer in the plane between the CLT panels. This way, the required bracing effect was ensured.

Due to the large forces involved, it was necessary to analyze a hybrid timber-steel connection with fully threaded screws. The real connection behavior was examined with a suitable local analysis. Thanks to this analysis, it was possible to reduce the amount of material, such as the number of connectors and panels.

Since the structure could be modeled as a complete concrete-timber system, interaction between the two structures within and above the soil was made possible.

Structural Engineering Structural Analysis
Studio Ergodomus - Ing. Franco Piva and Ing. Cristiano Benacchio
Pergine Valsugana (TN), Italy
Construction Contractor Company
Costruzioni Generali Due Spa
Sistem Costruzioni Srl
Baggiovara / Solignano, Italy
Architecture Architectural Design
Arch. Bruno De Pietri, Italy

Project Specifications

Model Data

Number of Nodes 125
Number of Lines 181
Number of Members 69
Number of Surfaces 12
Number of Load Cases 8
Number of Load Combinations 44
Number of Result Combinations 6
Total Weight 822.657 tons
Dimensions (Metric) 39.075 x 25.240 x 9.798 m
Dimensions (Imperial) 128.2 x 82.81 x 32.15 feet
Program Version 5.06.10

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