For a comprehensible assessment of the simulation, at least the following information is required:
1. CFD Software (name, version number, and, if applicable, manufacturer)
2. The computational grid is described with the following values:
- Grid type and visualization of the grid layout on surfaces
- Number of computational cells and surface cells
- Average and maximum volume of computational cells
- General quality criteria (visualization, skewness, aspect ratio, expansion rate)
3. The quality of the computation is described with the following values:
- Applied convergence criteria and convergence trend over iterations
- Grid convergence study for a representative variant
- Time step size and number of time steps (e.g., LES/URANS)
- Maximum CFL (Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy) values in unsteady calculations (e.g., LES/URANS)
- Comparison of generated turbulence profiles with the desired inflow conditions
4. The plausibility of the results can be verified via visualizations using:
- Visualization of velocity distributions in key sections
- Distribution of kinetic energy or vorticity within the flow domain
- Pressure values on building surfaces
5. It is desirable to document the following information:
- Distribution of the mixing length or turbulent viscosity in the flow domain
- Vortex structures in specific areas with velocity vectors
- Dimensionless wall distance according to the requirements of the wall function used
- Visualization through streamlines or vortex lines